Monday, March 30, 2015


I’ll ask the question that you may be thinking: Why did she title this one $122.62?

Last week, I went to my leasing office of my apartment complex to pay my rent with a check since they don’t have it set up to pay online anymore.  I asked them the total of my water bill so I could write the correct total on the check.  Well, the leasing laws with the state of Georgia are entirely different from what I initially thought of them to be.  All in all, if you are not going to renew your lease, give a written notice 60 days before your lease is supposed to end.  I did not know this information.  So I gave 60 days’ notice to vacate in February.  My lease was supposed to be terminated on March 4.  Of course there was a fee and it now cost me approximately $400 more than I budgeted for housing than I expected.  I literally almost cried as I wrote that check and handed it to the staff there.  I must say that it was a lesson learned. 

At work, I finished a project for another person to be told that I wasn’t the project manager for that project.  I also wrote a 25 page report that was reduced to 12 by my boss saying that the information I included wasn’t “necessary” for the audience of the report.  I just continued to bite my tongue about it and then realized that the report was no longer my report at all and he had completely rewritten everything I worked so hard on.  I didn’t want to dwell on these feelings but it’s hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel when you don’t feel like you’re moving fast enough to see it.

Also this week, I went to visit a woman I consider a grandmother before going to bible study every week like I always do.  When I was leaving, I contemplating whether even going to bible study when my mother called begging me to come and eat some chili at church.  So I can’t say no to that.  I get to church and it’s just so happen that the guy I sit next to knows someone who is currently attending Saint James.  He sent him a text for him to call me.  He claimed that there were some things that I should know before going to school there.  What those things are, I may never know because I never got that call.  But who knows?!

As if I couldn’t get any more clouds of doubt in my head, I checked the mail and received my electricity bill.  I opened it swiftly because I was anxious to see if that was in its normal range.  The bill was for $122.62.  I just cried and cried.  I was starting to have doubts about leaving especially after the week I had and the amount of money that people were all of a sudden thinking that I was made of.  My boyfriend came over that night and told me that I was going to school because that was my plan.  I immediately dried my eyes and said thank you.  I think that was all I needed to snap out of my funk that I had. 

Overall, you can’t let things happening around you and other people’s opinions determine your fate on how things are supposed to go.  In other words:

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

-John 1:5, ESV

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