Monday, March 23, 2015

Arrangements I made Before the BIG Adventure Or Arrangements I made to save money Part 2

The only arrangements that I made for leaving the United States couldn’t just be monetarily, right?  Of course not.  So other than saving money, what else did I do to prepare?

Well, I read a lot of forums (ValueMD) and discovered that people finance their medical education overseas by going to school online for various programs but the most mentioned was MBA.  I did more research and discovered that Walden University has a partnership with Saint James and takes 20% of tuition fees if I use their school.  Somehow they also talked me into taking classes in June!  I will mention that I am very easily persuaded so it took them little effort to do this.

So I took classes to see how I could balance a job and online schooling as well to kind of give me the feel for how it would be at the island.  It was tough.  My motivation to do the work was sometimes very low although I did do it.  Also, the classes themselves were pretty easy I must say just time consuming at times.  I started off in the Certificate of Clinical Research Program because it was in the health field.  I hated it.  As I went through the introductory course, I realized very fast that it was not the field for me.  It may be for someone else but it really made no sense for me to take those courses.

After the first class, I started the Certificate of Applied Project Management.  I picked this degree because it would help me with work (even though I plan on quitting) and it also filled my desire to learn to lead.  I wouldn’t say that I am a natural born leader but I could always use training to help me be better than I am.  Plus it would help me with a project that I am working on at work that I probably won’t be able to complete.  I think the main reason that caught my eye would be that it would help me in meeting my goal of having my first semester paid for.  And I will say that it helped in getting about half of it being that I had a lot of hiccups.

But of course, what else did I get to prepare for school?  I bought a host of things including a new laptop, suitcase, and I started “watching” items on eBay to buy as the time gets closer.  I also found many sites to watch the plane ticket prices so I could choose the cheapest tickets possible.  So far, it looks like Spirit may be winning that race by a couple hundred dollars although you have to pay for checked and carry-on bags.  The only catch is having to leave earlier than expected.

Leaving earlier than expected would allow me to have some “vacation” before school starts but I will be leaving my friends and family sooner than later.  Sometime back in August, I met a wonderful man that is standing behind me for this decision but I am leaving him in a city with a lot of very thirsty women.  On one hand, I know I need to make myself happy but on the other I want to make sure that they are keeping their claws off of him.  But after 6 months, I have no doubts that nothing can come between us. 

My other worries are my family.  My family is not the greatest ever but what family is?  This year, I have seen my younger sister more than I have in my entire life.  She is 14 and could really use a good influence in her life.  I am really disappointed that I can’t be that person for her but I am sure that if I keep praying, she will be okay.  I also have my brothers.  I have one in Raleigh, NC and he is still trying to figure himself out.  Then I have one here in Atlanta, GA that is trying to be the best father he knows how.  I applaud him of his efforts because he is one of the best fathers I know.  My older brother doesn’t worry me as much anymore because I know he has found the “one” as long as he doesn’t mess it up.  Then I have my parents.  They moved from our hometown of Micro to the big city of Atlanta, GA last year for my mom to find a job and she is still searching.  Without me, I don’t know if they can stand on their own but we’ll just have to see.

Overall, I have made a decision to leave and better myself.  Sometimes we have to leave our comfort zone and go into unknown territory.  Or it’s better said as:

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

-Joshua 1:9, ESV

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