Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Quitting Time

So, Quit Day!

Literally, I just walked into my bosses office and said, "Sir, I would like to turn in my two weeks notice now."  He said he had no clue about this going to take place.  Of course he wanted to know if I was going to a competitor but I responded that I was going to medical school in the Caribbean.  Anguilla to be exact.  And the response I received was, "okay."

So much for a lot of drama and action from someone who "values" you, right?  It's okay because all of the events leading up to this moment told me that I wasn't supposed to be here.  I really thought that I was supposed to work here when it all started and work here until I retired but that isn't the case.  I just don't want to work anywhere where because I don't have a PhD determines if I can be a chemist when in fact, I am a chemist when I graduate college.  Sounds a little demeaning, right?

Other than that, it was really hard telling my coworkers that I was leaving especially the ones I consider my "sisters."  They were happy and mad in the same sense but for good reasons.  The ones that I had told previously, were rooting for me to turn in my notice so the "celebration" could begin.  I must say that it felt really good to turn it in and get the secret over with.  Now, time seems to be going faster than ever.

So, instead of having the option of not working my two weeks, I was told that I had to work.  According to the policy, it says you have an option.  So honestly, that means that I will sit in my office for the next two weeks with my feet propped up.  I did not leave them without some direction of some of the things that I was doing.  I at least wrote procedures and notes on how I did a lot of the processes we used.

The group meeting we had on the following Monday was pretty interesting as well.  I assumed that my boss was going to inform the group of my decision but he actually deferred that to me.  It took everything in me to say, "Well, I quit."  That isn't exactly very professional sounding I would say but it would've gotten my point across.  It seemed everyone was happy for me; even the people who falsely accused me of harassing them.  But that's a story for another day!

So, I have gotten rid of a lot of things in my office to other employees and I am ready to say farewell now but I am sure that this torture is going to last longer than I want it to.  Thank God for sick days though because I don't know how I would make it without it.

Also, for a school update.  Since last week, I submitted the final document needed for traveling and have received my official acceptance letter to go to Saint James School of Medicine.  I can't tell if I am more nervous, scared or excited to be chasing my dreams.  I also received an invite from my peers in a group on Facebook which is helping us to get to know one another.  Seems like our class size will be really small but I guess time will tell.

This new path is starting to take shape and I hold my trust and faith in God.  He has made it absolutely possible for me to accomplish everything from birth to now and I owe everything to Him.  The scripture below is a brief description of how I feel right now!

 For I’m going to do a brand-new thing. See, I have already begun! Don’t you see it? I will make a road through the wilderness of the world for my people to go home, and create rivers for them in the desert!
-Isaiah 43:19, TLB

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