Hello all! I am really making a point to post very often because I know there is a lot I can answer questions for on this side of the program opposed to answering questions when I am gone. So blocks are finished and everyone is just getting ready and planning for home. I probably should've packed yesterday but I decided to catch up on some television shows. Plus I went out for dinner to celebrate the fact that it is my last normal block. I guess this is the part where I should be sad. Someone cue the tears. Okay, I will stop laughing now.
So my block exams went fairly well I must say. You can tell that I wasn't distracted by Walden courses and I truly studied a lot this block. Since this block is only 7 class days, I really have to make this count! And yes, you read correctly. SEVEN days! And we have 13 days until White Coat ceremony. And I guess you can say I am a little excited.
So what have I been up to? Nothing much. Just studying like crazy. Since there is no real method of standardized testing in medical school other than the Step 1, our school has implemented NBME exams everywhere. Most classes have at two like my class has. NBME stands for National Board of Medical Exams and they just hold onto old USMLE exams. It's a company like the PSAT. They hold on to old questions and sell them to people for them to simulate a real exam. I would say it is a good business because a lot of people use it.
Lunch from a restaurant at Shoal Bay |
So with 3 class days left, what do I have to do to pass and move on with my life? Two presentations, two quizzes, 4 exams, a research paper and Carnival. I included the last one as a joke but I think you get the point that I have a lot of stuff to do. Monday, we actually don't have school because it is August Monday also known as the first day of Carnival. There is a parade and a beach party to go with that. I really should study so let's see!
My group from my Pathology poster presentation |
In the past few days, I have presented a poster with some lovely classmates and I must say that we BEAST moded that presentation and it is reflected in our grade. Also, this week we were to turn in research papers to our mentors of our research assignments that some students had the luxury of working on for the last three semesters. My group has had to make a lot of revisions but I think we still did a great job. And I have rewarded myself greatly this week! Mostly because my exam grades were favorable and I am so close to getting out of this place. Here's a few pictures to showcase how my week has been!
I can only say that this week, I was blessed. I was blessed enough to be around great people and have great grades. As for a progress report on my brother, this week he has decided that he would move his leg in places to make it appear as if he would like to make a run for it. Sorry little bro but you gotta stay put just a little while longer. And of course there are some side jokes that come along with that as well.
Dinner with a highly regarded professor |
Again, I appreciate all of the people who have helped me on my journey this far. It has been a long road. I have met a lot of great new friends and lost contact with a few but our relationships should surpass that. I would think here would be a good point to ask if I have arranged anything so far for the future move to Chicago. I signed a lease from here for an apartment in Chicago. I know it is risky but I didn't want to risk not having a place at all because the area I am moving to is college town. I think it was a great choice being that all utilities are included. And I am still arranging what furniture and items that I am taking with me.
Since I only have a few weekends left, I am attempting to live. For once in my life, I am having the opportunity to live. I have always been a cautious person about spending and I must say that I think that I have done fairly well. I really have not increased my debt as bad as I could have but I decided for my last few weeks, that I won't say no as much. I just wanted to say that I experienced Anguilla versus just lived here. I think all of my audience would like to hear that I did that as well.
Enjoying Shoal Bay |
So what now? I have almost learned all of medicine. There is almost nothing else the teachers can teach me. So now, it is time to put the absorbed information the teachers here have given me and study to take the Step 1!
Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body. There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death.
Proverbs 16:24-25, ESV
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