Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Time Management and Transportation?!

Hello All.  I would just like to say that I appreciate all the views of this blog.  I believe this blog is serving its purpose of helping others, and that was my primary mission.  This week is the week of blocks already, but I thought since I have a little bit of time to kill that I would take a break from studying and share something today.

I have been getting a lot of feedback this past week pertaining to time management.  A lot of my classmates explain that they wouldn’t be able to juggle Walden University with Saint James School of Medicine.  I honestly have to say, some days I wonder the same thing myself, but it is all about time management and what you do with your free time.  I don’t have a regular schedule that I follow, but I have figured out that every time I have a free moment that I should use that free moment to do something constructive.  I will admit that some days are more productive than others such as Sunday when only studied for about two hours total and I was in the library for six hours.  It’s all based on how you utilize your extra time.

With Walden, I usually have a discussion and an assignment due each week.  With it being block week, this time management is a little bit tougher.  Honestly this week, I will attempt to get my assignment finished between now and tomorrow so on my study day, I can focus primarily on my coursework.  Little perks such as that are always very helpful in the long run.  When I am not proactive, I usually end up forcing myself to race against the clock to finish my assignment in about a few hours and turn it in before the deadline.  I still can write a 5-page paper pretty fast, and I thank my undergrad for that.  My opinion on time management of the two schools boils down to how you prioritize yourself and time management.  A lot of studying is involved in medical school, and the discussion posts are based a lot on personal experience to justify your reasoning of the concepts with the masters degree.  I use the books from Walden, which are shipped to the school each semester as a guide.  I hope this helps anyone who has questions about this matter.

Anguilla Temporary License
My Temporary License for Anguilla
2000 Mitsubishi Libero
My Car while I'm In Anguilla
2000 Mitsubishi Libero
Okay so now a follow-up from the previous post, I have officially bought a car in Anguilla.  It looks……nice, I guess.  I honestly just wanted something that got me from point A to B.  It seems thus far that it will do that so I am not complaining plus it has air conditioning so I can’t complain.  A picture of my car is below along with my license.  And yes, my license is a piece of paper.  You receive the temporary license from Inland Revenue, and it is only $20 US.  I would like to include that with buying a car, you purchase car insurance for a year or six months.  Purchasing it for six months doesn’t make much sense because you pay 70% of the full years’ cost.  Luckily, insurance is not the same cost it is in America and is only $500 for a whole year.  And pick your jaw up from the floor because that is $500 EC which is about $200 US.  Not bad, huh?  If at any time you need details about that, don’t hesitate to comment or send an email because I am not endorsing this company.  Also, they would like for you to include your previous license to vouch that you have been driving for over two years.  My previous license I broke into three pieces and had to receive a duplicate.  And it didn’t help that I received it just before I got here.  So for anyone that plans to buy a car versus rent a car here’s your heads up.  I also must mention that while I was driving back to school after buying the car, there was a herd of goats in the middle of the street walking slow as can be and I just thought it was oh so lovely!  I'll add a picture of that for humor.

Next, I have to get the car licensed because the previous owner wants to keep her license plate.  So that’s apparently around another $250 US.  I forgot about how much stuff like this cost.  But I will keep you guys updated on that.  I must say that my independence that I now have been completely worth it.  I was able to attend the health fair that we had at the grocery store on Saturday that was sponsored by the Anguilla Red Cross.  We had a great time and below is a picture of a few friends and me.  I must say that we look very diverse!

My Friends and I at the Anguilla Red Cross Health Fair
Alright so I must end this and get back to studying for the beast this Friday, and I appreciate all prayers made by my audience.  I hope you all have a great week and last but not least a verse that I received from someone who has been reading this blog:

Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.
-Proverbs 27:17, KJV

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